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26 March 2025

Why do your accumulator bets keep losing?

What your bets keep losing
When you’re in good form and backing winners for fun it seems oh so easy. But when the tables are turned and your luck appears to be out, it feels like a difficult road back to the land of riches and glory. Here is my advice on how to eradicate those schoolboy errors and boost your bank.

Use betting tools – I use a range of betting tools to make each and every selection. These are generally websites in which offer information and key stats on upcoming games. Included are sites like, and many other are all include. My tools are all free and they are the glue that forms my betting selections EVERY week. I’ve written an in-depth article on these tools and how they help, which you can check out by clicking this link. If your acca bets keep losing, then it’s likely you aren’t utilising tools such as the ones I have listed.

Article updated 2021 – Advertisement

Greed – all of us get greedy at some point, it’s human nature. So managing that urge is key to picking that winning accumulator. Don’t get swayed by the odds and potential returns on your bet slip, most of us see the £ signs in front of us rather than the substance behind it. Personally, I look at the fixture list without any odds before placing my bet so I am not influenced by the prices.

Research, Research, Research! – Do your homework. If you pick teams and leagues you have no knowledge of then frankly you deserve to lose. It doesn’t take long to check key stats, trends and team news – make an informed decision and don’t just chuck in any old team for the sake it. There are tons of resources out there – I delve into this here.

Limit your away selections – As a general rule of thumb I try to avoid away teams when placing my acca. It’s obvious the home teams have a big advantage, although David Moyes may disagree with that, so make sure the bulk of your selections are home wins. It will increase your chances of collecting on that 6-fold.

Stick to the leagues/sports you know – I know where my strengths and weaknesses lie, so I avoid the unknown and obscure leagues and concentrate of what I know best. Have a browse through your bet history (winners and losers) and you will soon see leagues/sports to really focus on. The proof is the in the pudding, or the settled bet history in this case.

Superstition and “Pocket Talk” – I have friends who refuse to back certain teams because they conceded in the 90th minute and downed their acca for a four-figure payout the previous week. Try to take emotion and superstition out of your selection process, why limit your options? Don’t let your pocket do the talking and treat every game and multiple on its own merits.

Don’t bet for the sake it! – If there is nothing that takes your fancy then take the day off. Logout of your online bookmaker and go for a run or take the dog for a walk – do something fun! Boredom and betting for the sake of betting has busted many a bank.

Keep your accas down to sensible number – The 10-fold accumulator you have highlighted may pay 1000/1 but chances are you’re not going to hit it – if at all. Keep it simple, it’s very rare I back anything higher than a 6-fold and if I am looking for a confidence boost I usually back just two or three teams to get back on the winning track.


Betting Expert
I've made What Acca to try and help people starting out with accumulator betting. The possibilities of these types of bets are pretty much endless, with the major attraction coming from the fact that a lot of money can be won for very little outlay. What Acca will hopefully teach you how to make more profitable accumulator bets whilst also eradicating some of the mistakes that I have made over the years.

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